June 29, 1938
If possible, I would just like to forget the past four and one half days, but
seeing as how I never will, I better record them.
June 25, 1938 I left Papeete for Takaroa, Tuomotu. I was all scheduled to sail at
9:00 A.M. aboard the "Vahine Tahiti ". My boxes were all
loaded on ship, and I was on the verge of saying "Goodbye" to
friends. Then the captain changed his
mind about sailing, after receiving the report that the sea was high and
I was really disappointed; I wanted to be on my way. There was another boat, "The Tereora ", leaving that noon for the same place. After some talking, I got Elder Palmer to change my passage so that I might go out that day.
At 1:15 P.M. we set sail. At 3:00 I made my first trip below for a few minutes and soon found myself very sick. Again before retiring I made another trip below; again I began heaving. (Not a pleasant word, but not a pleasant feeling either.) That nite I slept upon nothing but the hard deck. When a person travels down here he just takes whatever is handy to lie on. The next morning I went through the same thing. All that day I lay on my back. Maybe my bones didn't take punishment.
Four times during the course of the trip our motor broke down. The Island is 349 miles out from Tahiti; it took us one hundred hours exactly to arrive here, an average of 3.49 miles per hour. And with a hard wind and big waves! Oh! I surely hate the ocean. In the Doc. and Cov. it says, "In the Last Days the Lord cursed the waters". Believe me, I cursed them also.
Elder Uela Hunting. In background: bananas, Church building, and niau fare . |
Teneta The Long and Short of Mormonism: Me and Elder Kenneth Wilde. |
And now for a little more pleasant insight. Takaroa is much better than I imagined it to be. It is located in even a more beautiful harbor than that of Papeete. Upon arrival I was met by Elders Wilde and Hunting. They took me to "home". I surely feel funny on land. I sway this way and that, and have practically the same feeling as boat swaying.
This evening I attended Church. The branch here is much larger and better than at Papeete. The people are very friendly; this is indeed a "Mormon" Island. I believe I am about the tallest person they have ever seen, and everywhere I go they stare at me. There was quite a commotion at the dock. As soon as they sighted me, the cry "Orometua Ape " went up; they surely welcome all Missionaries.
After church, we all went down to see a sick vahine . She had a sick spell which missionaries are expected to cure. Maybe I'm not tired. Whew! Almost too tired for bed. 12:15 A.M.
June 30, 1938
Oh! Did I ever sleep dead to the world last night? I never knew a thing until
nearly breakfast time, about 7:30 A.M.
The bed we have is a wonder, and a person just "dies" when he
hits it, and I'm no exception. With a cool breeze blowing constantly here, I really think I'll enjoy it.
For every "hard" feature of this Mission there is always three fine things to make up for it.
This morning following breakfast I engaged in
playing basket ball with a few of the native young men; they seemed quite
skillful at a game that is quite new to them. From then until dinner time I studied grammar.
For dinner I had a few more different dishes; very tasty too. The natives prepared our dinner for us. Po'i fixed a new way and made from breadfruit.
Today Elder Hunting and I walked completely around this whole Island... took about ten or fifteen minutes. The highest spot rises about six feet above the sea. The whole island is covered with nice coconut trees, and various other types. We have a nice grove of banana trees in our backyard. Soon be ripe... three stalks.
Climbed to the top of belfry today; saw old masts of ship that was washed ashore a few miles away. Some day I hope to go over to that Island and see all.
Attended Relief Society meeting. I just sit and act dumb all through all meetings. I do sing with them though, as long as I have a book and know the tune.
Tonite we played (?) guitars, three of us... 2 natives) have one, until dark, then I took my bath (?) and cleaned up. We three then went to the court house and listened to the radio. All the natives gather to hear the news broadcast. I had to write it down in English and Teneta translated it to them in native tongue.
Once again I am ready to retire after fifteen hours steady going. As yet I am not recovered from my boat ride. Very tired.
July 1, 1938
I'm really beginning to appreciate my Mission in the Tahitian Islands.
Before today I felt, deep down, a slight disappointment of this field of labor.
Today I told my true feelings to Uela. My heart to heart talk with him shall be a guide to me from now on.
He has helped me immensely. Tonite I felt as though my whole attitude,
heretofore rather skin-deep, has changed. I am ready now to do my best.
Since breakfast my whole day has been spent in nearly constant study except for an event which I am pleased to record:
"Te Tamaaraa" in Honor of te "Taote farani" Uela Hunting, Rutena Allred, Teneta Wilde |
This afternoon about one-thirty a native came to our place of abode stating, "The Doctor and Governor want to see us". We hurriedly put on our "whites" and walked a quarter of a block to "courthouse". On arriving, we could see that it was an invitation to dine. All the "officials" were present, the French Doctor, a highly respected and honored man in these Islands, and the important citizens. The dinner was being given in his honor; he had just arrived last evening. We were given seats, a he'i placed upon our heads, and treated as good as the Doctor himself. A full six courses of some of the best food I have yet eaten was prepared by the best native cooks. We indeed felt honored and pleased. Upon completion I took a few pictures. Natives played guitars and sang all the while.
The rest of the day, as I have before stated, was spent in study.
This evening once again we had the news to give to the people as we heard it over the radio. I acted as scribe for most of it. After doing more study and review I retired. 16 hours today.
July 2, 1938
Most of the morning I spent in study with Teneta. We reviewed all the first lessons in the
grammar book up to where I am now. Pronouns.
Dinner was prepared by Uela and myself; I cooked the fish and made the gravy. Some day I may be able to cook.
The afternoon was passed by study. Seems as that is the only thing I have time for.
This evening we went to the Public gathering grounds and watched the dance; they are still feting the doctor.
When Pres. Mallory was in charge of this Mission, he organized a large band and sold instruments to the natives. He taught them how to play each instrument. Remnants of that band are still together. Now they play dance tunes and do a good job at it too.
We watched for an hour and then at 10:30 P.M. went to the show. A boat came in with a projecting machine and "silent" pictures. They played Pathe News filmed in 1920, a Comedy in 1924, and the main feature in 1926. I really got a great kick out of it. Even as old as that, I liked it much better than the one we saw in Papeete. It was just 12:30 when it let out; a total of 18 hours for today. (Learned food prayer today.)
Chapel in Takaroa, Tuamotu
July 3, 1938
My first Sunday in Takaroa. It seems
good to see a large group of Mormon people gathered together once again.
We had nearly a hundred people in Church today. Uela and I visited each (4)
different class.
I was given two assignments: administer Sacrament in Tahitian today and teach a group of young girls a Himene by next Sunday so they can take part in the exercises. A person has to sing whether he can or not.
Today I think I fasted about as long as I ever did on Sunday, 6:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Believe me when dinner of pork and beans, fresh bread and butter, good sweet onions, jam and pie was prepared (by me) I surely did eat.
In Sacrament Meeting I bore my testimony in English with Uela interpreting. I actually cried a little when I sat down. I surely felt that group of Saints pulling for me. Uela himself in his interpreting felt the same way. (I believe he sniffed too, but I didn't look at him.) I certainly have a good friend in Uela. I'm very sorry he is leaving us tomorrow. Twice now I have felt feeling of great friendship toward strange Elders only to be separated a few days later. Uela taught me quite a number of things and certainly built up my hopes. I hope someday we shall be together as companions.
Tonite the Mutual put on a very fine program. Guitars, ukes, and accordian and singing composed the musical part. Dancing and two plays composed the stage part. We had nearly (lacking maybe a dozen) all the people on the Island present... including the doctor and his wife. Uela and I and Vahine Rii sang a trio for our share of the program. I wish I could sing maitai ! The Doctor delayed his boat especially so he could attend our meeting.
The whole Island turned out at the wharf to see him off. They sang as they pulled out. Surely impressive.
Tonite I shall continue my letter I started to Bobby. 16-1/2 hours.
July 4, 1938
The quietest "Fourth" I ever spent.
With the exception of Uela leaving, and a Yacht landing, the day passed
uneventful. Most of my time was spent at
the wharf, in study, talking (?) Tahitian to a few different natives, and
A group of natives brought over a large box overflowing with canned goods: Peas, Pork and Beans, canned butter, sauce, jams, corn, salmon, corned beef, cocoa, onions, milk, corn starch, fish (fresh), oranges, baking powder, and pineapple were in it. All this was donated by the natives for the benefit of we two Missionarys. Who, but these people, would treat Missionaries so swell?
When the yacht from America landed, I said only one word... "Hello." It seemed so strange to hear a group of men speak English slang that I was speechless. I wanted nothing more than to say a few words to them, but I was dumbfounded! I merely stood and watched. I must be loosing my English accent.
I surely have a task before me. Elder Hunting was very much liked by these people and now I am taking his place. I must work plenty hard to gain their confidence and love. As for waiting on them, I do that plenty... doctor a cut here, stop a toothache there; wait on everybody that needs it. I like to do it for them just the same. Retired again. 15 hours.
July 5, 1938
Just another day of nothing accomplished. Studied grammar for few hours, visited with Mapuhi, cooked, and just
seemed to do nothing.
(Letter home)
This evening Elder Wilde and I paid a visit to the American yacht. Because I was the American, I had to apologize for the snubbing we gave them yesterday. They said they were quite put out because we didn't come aboard and talk to them. We talked Gospel for an hour, during which time we were offered cigarettes, drinks, but only accepted a limeade. They treated us very kindly.
A couple of hours study tonight and I shall retire. 14 hours.
July 6, 1938
Following breakfast Teneta and I held a four hour study class.
We then had dinner and went out to visit Saints. I went to three homes with him
and also to Mapuhi's alone. Heia made me
a swell (straw) hat. She was surely sweet about it; told me she was my
"Mama" from now on. Already she has seemed like that. She has cooked
good things for us many times. I surely like her and Mapuhi.
Tonite I sat through another meeting. I wish I could only understand even a little; seems hopeless. Study, study, study; never get anywhere.
After meeting we had a real house full of young folks, 20 in all. I showed them a few little tricks, etc. They all play guitars, but I just haven't time to learn. During the course of amusement, a centipede four or five inches long ran across the room. Immediately a native pounced on him with a piece of paper. The result: he is pickled in alcohol. Nice playmate. Wow! 16-1/2 hrs today.
July 7, 1938
These days are very much the same except for one thing. There seems to always be at least one thing
that breaks the monotony. Today... study, work, visiting. Then another
American yacht with passengers aboard dropped in. We went to see them land.
Hoê Mei'a .
I received a letter from Na Rei e Na Haurata today. Heard all about them on Takaraua. This evening I answered their letters. Very glad to hear from them once again. Retired. 15 hrs.
July 8, 1938
Today has been one of those days that nothing happens.
I prepared breakfast, cleaned the cook-shack,
and then studied for four hours, then cooked dinner, cleaned up house, and
studied again. This time I went to sleep
for an hour. Upon awakening, I took my
Sat. nite bath, and then more study.
Just at bedtime a call came to go attend to a sick boy. We gave him medicine, and then went to Taumata's and spent the evening.
July 9, 1938
A day of great activity. Studied all
morning, cooked two meals, and the rest of the day I played ball (soccer) with
some of the fellows. The way these
people kick a hard ball around without anything on their feet gets me.
I made my weak ankle plenty sore just with
shoes on, but they kick harder and their toes really sock the ball.
I marvel at their toughness and accuracy.
This evening after running Mapuhi a race nearly the length of the Island, I feel as though I have had all the exercise I care about for a week.
Tonite we finally got enough women together to practice our song for tomorrow; I have to sing bass with them; ....five women, two men. Aue !
And now after closing records for the week I retire. 16 hrs.
Sunday, July 10, 1938
One more Tabati gone by, and I'm surely glad. All day I have been sore
and stiff. A two month layoff from any
strenuous exercise and then to play as I did yesterday, surely put knots in my
muscles. I limp around as though I had a cracked bone in my leg. On top of that I
have had a headache and pains in my stomach; I sure must be getting old.
Attended regular four meetings today... 7 hrs. in all. Between Sac. meeting and M.I.A., I read the Book of Genesis in the Bible, which probably accounts for my headache. My disposition has been fairly good considering my thoughts and all I have passed through today. Oh! It's hard to sit through all those hours of meetings and not know anything that's being said; I just about go nuts! 15 hrs.
A large ship washed ashore at Takaroa. Hurricane 1906. |
Monday, July 11, 1938
What a day! I just blew my cares to the wind and took the day off. Teneta,
Mapuhi, I, and three kids went across to Tigerehoa to see a
large ship
that washed ashore during the
great storm of 1906. All the way over I picked up shells, and saw a great many
things that were well worth seeing. In the shallows along the beach (or coral
rocks) we chased and speared fish; I got three.
Of all the queer fish! The sea is full of them. "Balloon fish"
as I called one was queer.
The distance was five miles and took us two hours and forty-five minutes steady, walking, coming back, to get home. Ow! For all the tired, sore, bruised feet; mine are worst. I wore canvas shoes, Mapuhi wore none. His feet felt fine all the way over sharp coral rocks, and that is a remarkable feat.
Dear Heia cooked supper for us on our return. Very tired.... Mistake in Tahitian Utu Po'i for Uru Po'i .
Tuesday, July 12, 1938
The very longest day yet. It seemed as though the hours dragged. I prepared
breakfast, finished my letters home, and read 25 Chapters of Exodus.
The Tereora came in today.
For dinner I cooked rice, fried fish, and gravy. Tasted all right because we were very hungry.
This afternoon I helped the boys put up two basketball bank-boards; we got a nice looking place to play now. This evening I learned another vocabulary list and then went to see the captain of Tereora . He surely welcomed me and invited me aboard. We talked for awhile and then I left. He gave me a sack full of oranges and invited me back tonite and said to bring Teneta. We went back, but found him drunk to the world, so his sailors said. We came back and read for awhile and retired.
The two chums on board the wreck. Rutena and Mapuhi, Takaroa. |
Wednesday, Tiurai 13, 1938
After preparing and eating breakfast, I went into the cook house to study.
That seems to be the only way I can ditch the
natives. About eight hours has
constituted my study period today.
A native brought over a stalk of bananas today; I showed my appreciation by eating seven, most I have eaten in one day for weeks. Even though we have our own grove of trees, we are still waiting for the bananas on them to ripen.
Teneta and I held a lesson tonight, after which we went out and played basketball for a few minutes. We then cleaned up and attended Haapiiraa . (Just another boring meeting for me.)
My grammatical mistake today was calling my wisdom tooth, which is just coming in, a fanau'a niho . Mapuhi got a big kick out of it. He laughed about like he did about utu Po'i . Well, each mistake helps out. I try never to say it again.
After meeting Mapuhi and I sat on the wall. It is surprising just how much we can make each other understand. He is my best teacher. A very beautiful night... moon, breeze, palm (cocoanut) trees waving... something they read about back home and never see. It's wonderful!
Thursday, July 14, 1938
Today is a big day to the French nation and possessions.
The whole Island has been celebrating all
day. I stayed in our fare niau most of the time and
studied. I ventured out long enough to
play a little basketball and watch the championship games.
(I won the high-jump... just as a
professional though... the others received the money though.)
As usual, I had all the cooking to do while Teneta talked. We had pork chops, fei (red bananas) po'i , and mei'a's .
This evening we attended the dance just to sit and watch. Every day I see more ways in which the Missionaries are respected. The Governor himself got up and gave me his seat... I had to accept, as I couldn't tell him not to bother. Prizes were given out for the day's performance, two girls really shook a wicked pair of hips for five minutes. Wow! They're good at it. Refreshments we[re] served and then Teneta & I came home. They are still going strong, (we live just a couple hundred feet from the Public house) and will do way into the night. A good day!
Teneta and Mapuhi |
Friday, July 15, 1938
An unusual day of study... all of nine hours.
The other time during the day I spent in work.
Heia brought up some swell po'i made from uru's and also
some "raw" fish. Both surely tasted good.
Tonite I really had my first guitar lesson; Mapuhi took me through a series of cords. After an hour of that, we came up and listened to the radio for awhile. Then after a bit more talking and singing, I came in and prepared for bed.
Saturday, July 16, 1938
The house has been full of people, consequently I haven't done much
studying. I read the Book of Leviticus
in the Bible and learned one more vocabulary list.
My ability to learn is increasing.
I learned a vocabulary list of 20 words in
eight minutes; it once took three days to learn that many.
That which we persist in doing becomes easy, etc....
Most of the afternoon was spent with the boys in soccer and basketball. I only got to play basketball a few minutes, and they kicked me off their team (the opposite side). Darn guys! I was just getting warmed up too. They surely show me up though when it comes to handling their feet in soccer!
Teneta is a hard guy to live with. When dinner is ready, he never is. I have to wait and wait! He's slow as ... Not much of a sport either. I'll bet he thinks I fool around too much; but if hard work taught him the language he speaks, then I am through studying hard.
This evening I took my Saturday nite bath and then read the Bible by means of coal oil light.
Sunday, July 17, 1938
Today could have been a very tiresome Sunday, but I made it worth while.
To begin with I attended Priesthood meeting,
then Sunday School, cooked dinner and then back for Sac. Meeting.
And then rather than read Bible as I expected
to do, I went with Mapuhi, took pictures, and learned how to strike a guitar
"Puomotu " style.
Then I got Vahine Rii and Mapuhi together and learned a Tahitian song which we three sang in M.I.A. tonite. Then to finish it up, I wrote out the words to "Red Sails in the Sunset" and taught them to Mapuhi and Huri, we three sang that also in M.I.A. tonite. After meeting I came home and strummed for a few minutes and wrote out words to songs for Huri; he wants to learn English, and I am doing all I can to help him.
Monday, July 18, 1938
If many more days like today come around, I should soon be a good
physician. While I was preparing
breakfast, a little boy (Moana) came to the door of the cook-shack.
His face was tear-stained and he looked quite
pitiful. In his native tongue he explained
he had an awful toothache (niho mauii roa )
so I began fixing it for him. A little
oil of cloves and cotton did the trick.
He quit complaining soon after. I
noticed his shin was all swollen so I took after that.
There were three bad cuts on his leg that
were closed and very festered. These I
opened, drained, applied merthiolate and bandaged for him.
He took it like a man.
He was a very much pleased boy when he
During breakfast a lady brought over a little boy (Auii) just three years old. His tooth bothered him also so I fixed him up. He was a little more difficult but I did get him to open his mouth long enough. A few minutes later he was back playing as happily as ever. I am surely sold on "oil of cloves" for a toothache remedy.
The next case was a girl with a swollen, festered foot. Fifteen minutes of soaking in Permanganate de Potassium fixed her after bandaging it a little.
Next a little two year old boy with three bad leg sores. He was the hardest as he was scared of me and afraid I would hurt him. (Teneta has been busy in the Church-house fixing windows so I had all to do.) A little warm Denver Mud and gauze bandage should make him never return for those sores again. Another boy with a bad fish hook cut got merthiolate and a compress for his trouble. Another older fellow got merthiolate for a long scratch. All in all I have been quite busy.
Read book of Leviticus and Numbers, Exodus, and Genesis in Bible to date. Study grammar just a few (very) hours today. Lesson interrupted again.
Had dinner to cook... beef, fe'i po'i , corn fritters, bananas and cream, etc. We eat quite royally when dinner time comes.
A ship came in this afternoon from Tahiti but had no mail on it for me. I am a little disappointed but I can take it. I at least am not homesick yet. However I would like a letter or two from home and certain other people. Saturday should bring a few if Tereora returns.
However the ship was the one with the movie projector so in the evening Teneta and I went to see another picture show. This one was a "Horse Opera", filmed in 1926. I surely get a kick out of them, but it is hard to sit through two and one half hours. We took our own washing bench to sit on, and two of us on that take quite a lot of patience. I think my patience is surely improving.
After the show one more patient had to be doctored. A fellow with an awfully tender, inflamed foot got a dose of alcohol and powder put on the sore spot. Playing soccer the past few days had just enlarged it until it was red hot. In the beginning it was just a bite with the skin scratched off, but any type of sore takes a long time to heal in this country. I know because it is my foot.
Tuesday, July 19, 1938
(Had my dream of being sent home unhonorably released... Oh Me! )
The day began much the same as yesterday. Three cases of doctoring had to be taken care of before I could eat breakfast. At this rate I'll surely have to have more supplies soon.
Study has been my portion most of today. I took time out to fry the fish Teneta had fixed. My, but they were good! The fish was cut so that all bones were extracted, then they were filled with onions and crumbs, rolled in flower and fried in peanut oil. We each ate four big ones. The tales I heard about poor meals down here are all crazy. Yes, we have lots of fish, but it can be cooked so that a person can think he is eating anything from beef-steak to fresh fruit (almost).
Tonite I acted a scribe once again for the news report. We keep the natives quite well informed as to the outside world. 14 hrs.
Wednesday, July 20, 1938
Immediately following breakfast, Teneta and I attended Primary.
They are just starting it up so we went to
get them started out right. (I went
along, but that is all.)
From there, I prepared a lunch, wrapped it and books in my peue , and called for Mapuhi, and away we went across to another island. We walked a mile or so and then spread down. Mosquitoes and flies were so bad I couldn't get my mind on study so I turned it into a day of pleasure. We got coconuts, ate them, walked on aways further just looking, and once again I saw some very beautiful and worthwhile things.
Upon returning home, I prepared for meeting. I had to close with prayer, English, my first time I have spoken in English (without interpretation) to them. Oh, I'm tired and very sleepy tonight; more visitors. 15 hrs.
Thursday, July 21, 1938
This morning after breakfast I began copying from English to Tahitian
Dictionary. Worked on that until
one-thirty and then assisted Teneta in getting dinner.
Following dinner we attended Relief Society
meeting. From there we went visiting
until evening. Stayed in tonite and
devoted all my time to studying vocabular words and adjectives.
Heard a little talk today about my friendship with Mapuhi. Dumb people! They censure a guy for not learning the language, and then talk about him if he makes friends with the only native fellow that I can really talk to and understand a little. D.... childish! Let them talk!
Three weeks from today I arrived here. Not sure yet whether or not we are going to Manihi. I would like to if... [arrow points to 'Let them talk'.]
Friday, July 22, 1938
Wrote out my lesson today for the first time... with help of Huri and Hepera;
spent all morning studying. Cooked
dinner, Teneta didn't show up so I ate alone; tired of always doing all the
work and then wait for him.
Played soccer for awhile with the boys this afternoon; I must be improving. At least I can kick the ball every time.
Tonite I don't feel so hot. Doctored myself for a cold which has been coming on the last few days. The house is full of people and I am very tired and ready for bed. We had to give the news again tonite, and the people followed us home. One fellow is asleep on the bench, another singing songs from my song book, two on the bed in which I want to get, and another just looking on. Oh! Me. No privacy ever. 15 hrs.
Saturday, July 23, 1938
Another attempt at a lesson failed. I
could forget all that Teneta has taught me and still know just as much.
Everytime we get settled for a lesson, a
flock of visitors arrive. We tried the
Church-house today, but that failed.
Taumata informed me that he would like me to take charge of Sacrament meeting tomorrow, so I spent part of the day studying a few speeches. In the afternoon I played a few minutes basketball, talked (tried) to the natives, took my bath, and read over my assignment.
This evening a wedding took place. I witnessed the "screwy" ceremony which in English interprets "Do you, "Tareva", promise to be good to this man forever? "(E... ) "Do you, "Tenehu" promise to be good to this woman? "(E... ) "That is all."And the couple was married!
Afterwards they held a dance and served Kokoa and Faraoa. Mapuhi and I walked around the Island once, up to the wharf, and just sat and talked. He gave me a swell large pa'rau .
My cold is worse; I feel fagged out tonite. 16 hrs.
Sunday, July 24, 1938
Two months today since I arrived in Papeete, Society Islands.
Time has flown right along; I haven't learned
a whole lot of the language, but I did something today very few Elders ever
do. I celebrated my arrival and
anniversary by taking charge of my first meeting, Sacrament, in Tahitian
tongue. For my first few sentences I was
quite nervous, but after a bit it became easier.
Of course my whole thing was memorized; I
still can't understand what others are saying, but every little practice
Attended four meetings today as usual for Sunday. The last one lasted two and one-half hours; I about "died". Just a lot of gibbering and singing. I got very tired of sitting.
Ate a dish of raw sea-shell fish this afternoon. A little grated coconut and onions went with it. I liked it very much, but it surely sticks with you a long time; I still taste and smell it.
Himene, himene, himene,... far into the night. Retired.
Monday, July 25, 1938
I waited anxiously all day for the cry "Tero ", and at 4:20 P.M. it came!
The next two hours was misery. I walked here and there waiting, waiting...
Then after dark the Tereora landed. Taumata and I eagerly went
aboard and inquired for mail. They handed a large package, and away I went.
Upon reaching the fare , I hurriedly tore it open and sorted out my letters; eight from my dear Bobby and three from Mother. I spent the rest of the time in reading. Some news was very unpleasant, but the majority was fine.
My pictures came back today; most of them are good. I feel ashamed of myself for the small number of letters I have sent home, but I seem to do the best I can. I really don't have as much time as I expected. Today I studied seven hours, cooked two meals, plus helping with dishes, so I have only the evenings in which to write, and then the fare is always so full of people, that I really can't then. Like to write... all the time I was reading letters people hovered around. I just had to ignore them. My only time is just the few minutes before bed-time in which I write these pages. Happy!
Tuesday, July 26, 1938
A very busy day with nothing accomplished.
I did however get two letters written, Mark and Joyce, straightened out
and settled for my pictures, filled out quite a number of
Tufa Ahuiu blanks, and cooked dinner.
Te Pupu Diakono i te Amaa Takaroa. |
This afternoon I spent with Saints. In church last Sunday the Diakono class challenged any other five men to a game of basketball, and I was elected referee. I just about called it at the end of the third round on account of rain. But nevertheless, we went on playing. The ball, field, players, and referee were soaked, and at the end of the melee the Diakonos won.
Tonight we once again gave the news. The people certainly gather to hear it.Tenua Tinito surely interests them.
Our door is shut once again. It seems that we are alone and get a little peace when we do that. Even so, some still walk in.
Now I shall put on pajamas and study until I get sleepy. Ate my first mei'a po'i tonite... it's swell.
Wednesday, July 27, 1938
The day started out slow enough. I
studied all about verbs for a few hours, memorizing as I went, and just about
dinner time (2:00 P.M.) a basketball game started.
Once again I had to referee. Two hours passed by, and then they quit.
By that time I had to come in and hurriedly dress up for a funeral. I was awakened in the night by long wailing cries coming from a house down the street. An old woman 102 years old had passed away and her daughters were lamenting her death. Sounded like a pack of coyotes in Wyoming.
Teneta and I had to lead the procession (walking) up the street to the church-house. The program was short and fairly good, and then they carried the box with the body in and laid it in the hole prepared for it. The funny part about that hole was that someone else had already occupied it for years. They re-dug it, pushed the old bones off to one side and laid her box in. Ugh! What a nice final resting place!
This evening another Haapiiraa was held. I was sitting serenely on a back bench, waiting for it to commence, and Teneta walked back and said, "You're taking charge tonite". Well, I was caught quite unawares, but I did it anyway. Even though I do say it myself, it went over better than last Sunday. I made my own assignments of hymns and prayers, and all Teneta did was give the lesson. I like to do something for a change. The people were very complementary.
A little more study this evening, a letter to Lucille and one started to my folks and I shall retire.
Thursday, July 28, 1938
At last we got in a good study period.
We were actually left alone for three hours all of which time Teneta
drilled me on a lesson. I think it
helped a little though I'm not sure. Even the doors and windows were wide open.
What a surprise!
Attended primary this morning and taught the kids a new game. They really enjoy their work which Teneta and I started.
Relief Society meeting was our second meeting for today. Then we felt like a little recreation so we entered into the basketball games... Teneta refereed and I actually was allowed to play on a team. We won too, believe it or not.
After taking a mid-week bath, we went to see a sick boy. I gave him some chocolate monamona for his tummy.
We are alone again tonite. The doors closed and windows shut, and in our pajamas. Wrote a letter to Uela today and now shall begin the letter I failed to do last nite.
Friday, July 29, 1938
This early morning I continued letter to my folks.
After that I prepared breakfast and ate.
Studied, with Teneta giving me a good lesson.
Took a few minutes away from my studying to watch a good fight. One fellow had to be held down while a big knife was taken away from him, so it wasn't just a little street brawl. As soon as the knife was gone, the other fellow tore into him. Soon they were pulled apart by the men. Very good while it lasted.
Strummed my guitar for a few minutes tonight and then went to the radio and wrote news. Very sleepy this evening... the fish and fifteen bananas for today didn't mix so I feel rather sick.
Saturday, July 30, 1938
Next to the days I have been seasick, I have felt worse today than since
leaving home. My stomach has been
awfully upset, had a small fever last night and slept awful.
A good stiff dose of soda seemed to pull me
through tonight's strenuous account book work.
However I played basketball with the boys and taught them a few shots. Studied today for six hours, bathed, and been at the books, checking tithing, expenditures, settlements, etc., far into the night. My head wants to burst wide open.
Caught myself a scorpion tonight. I pulled the tacks from the account sheet hanging on the wall, and pulled it off. As it came free, there Mr. Scorpion lay. He surely tried hard to sting the needle with which I had him pinned. He is now resting securely in a bottle of alcohol.
In retiring tonite I find my self not feeling so "hot".
Sunday, July 31, 1938
At this time of writing I just finished sitting through what to me has been the
worst meeting I ever tried to outlast.
Priesthood meeting ran a half hour overtime and then Sunday School had
to outlast that so they ran 45 min. overtime of some of the most jibber-jabber,
nothing said, confusion as ever there has been held in even a Holy Roller
meeting. I'm disgusted clear through. Maybe it's because of my still
feeling punk, but I would just have loved to got up and bellowed "Shut
up!". Hope I feel better the next two meetings.
Tonight I do feel a little better even though I did have an awful time in M.I.A. this evening. The program was good, I understood the acts (Hohoa ), but I was in misery. I was very sick to my stomach, wanted to heave all through it, headache, and the meeting lasted three hours. What a life! (I like it.)
And they call the fellow you are with your companion! Companion for what? To sleep with? Teneta is anything but a companion to me. I ask him to explain to me just what is being said so that I might get a little interest out of it. Does he do it? He acts as though he never heard, or just passes it off. (July 20, 1939. How foolish I was these days!) (I'm the same way with Elder P. now as Teneta was.)
Today a heated discussion came up on Genealogy work. Teneta was in the thick of it, and I surely wanted to help him. After he sat down I tried to get him to explain just what the point of argument was. He bluntly stated, "Oh, they don't know just what they are arguing over." And that is all I learned. If that's a companion, I'll take a pet dog; at least he won't ignore you.
I'm beginning to rather admire my ability to put up with such lonesomeness and privation without getting the least bit homesick. I really talk more with natives than to him. Forgive me for speaking thus, but it's the truth.
Monday, August 1, 1938
A new month! If it's as pleasant as a whole as the last has been, I won't mind.
Even though I am still sick I feel in a much better humor than I did last week.
Today we held another lesson for a few minutes, and then there was some play copying to be done so we spent most of the day doing that.
Just before dark two young boys came over to get their hair cut. Teneta wouldn't do it for them so I did. I told him I had never done it before, but he said, "Go ahead. It will be good practice for you." Well, I did....
As I sit here writing about such things, my mind wanders back to the first sheep I ever sheared. How Dad did laugh when that thing got up and ran into the pen! Now I wouldn't suggest comparing the two, because the first kid's hair was a "numera hoe " job, but the second one.... well, I guess it was getting dark fast, I was in a hurry, he wouldn't hold still. Anyway, I haven't seen him out playing today. Yet.... his mother hasn't let out any screams. Aw, don't kid yourself, Dean, it was a good job well done. (Yeah, I'll bet the kid is "burned up".)
This evening we went to Heia's. Teneta helped her with Genealogy, and Mapuhi helped me with guitar. I'm afraid it is hopeless case... my guitar playing. I can pick it up if I had time, but one practice a week is worthless. He says I'm learning very fast though. Hope so!
When I got home, I felt sick again. I'll be glad when I get back my strength again. I guess its the fish we have every dinner time. We don't have to eat them, but each day they are brought to us, and rather than to throw them away and use the food the Branch gives us, we try to save the Branch the expense. The fish are very good, but I still can't get feeling good. 16 hrs.
Tuesday, August 2, 1938
Awoke in the middle of the night sweating, shaking from cold, and very
feverish, but tonight I feel almost my old self again.
All morning I have written letters. Finished one to my folks and got a good start on Bobby's. The rest of the day I used my "red book" and learned three vocabulary lessons.
News once again tonight. I enjoy the few minutes of dance music that we hear each time. I think I'll appreciate the radio a little more when I get home.
After news we went to Turoa's for a visit. 15 hrs today.
Wednesday, August 3, 1938
Just three months today since I left home.
S.L. Seems much shorter time than that. Long before this I have expected
to get homesick, but as yet, no; I don't care if I don't.
What a day! Everything has been so boring that I took an hour off my studies to take a snooze. And then to go out and eat a big dish of Teneta's dough po'i . Well, tonight I feel not so good again. This time a straight diet of fish and po'i didn't mix. Why can't I get feeling well? The days are made quite miserable.
All the men and women of the Island are certainly cleaning things up. Monday the "Tavana rahi " is due and the village is going to be ready for him. All the weeds along the road have been pulled up, the cemetary cleaned (which really was a sight) all the leaves and branches picked up, new rock was put in at the wharf, public buildings cleaned, private dwellings spick and span, etc. The place looks transformed.
Tonight Teneta gave the lesson for the Haapiiraa . That means only one thing... I took charge for the third time. All through the meeting I read the Bible. That's what I get out of Church here.
It seems like I am always sleepy when nine o'clock comes so I will write more in my letter to Bobby and retire.
Thursday, August 4, 1938
To begin with I better bawl myself out for going to sleep during prayer last
night. I went to bed while Teneta was
still reading, just thought I'd doze off and then get up when he was ready for
prayer. Well, even to this time I can't remember my getting up and kneeling with him.
The next thing I remember he was shaking me... I still kneeling...
my! I was quite embarrassed. I lay in bed wondering how come I ever pulled
a boner like that. We had a good laugh over it. (A month ago Teneta told me of
an Elder going to sleep.)
My hoa mau i Takaroa. Mapuhi â Varo.
Well, after breakfast we went to Primary; played games with the kids once again. Then Heia and Tearo came over and commenced house-cleaning so I got out my swim trunks, called for Mapuhi and away we went. We (he) borrowed a vaa so we didn't have to walk at all. I saw the ocean, the sand, and the life therein through diving glasses. Gee, it's beautiful. I would like to do that every day. As it is, I got a swell sunburn and plenty of boat riding and swimming.
Following that, we returned and I bathed and cleaned up for Relief Society meeting. Once again I about ran into an embarrassing situation. This time I came very close to dropping off to sleep near the end of meeting. As is was, I was last to arise. Whew! I better watch myself closer.
This evening I pulled Kaepoa's down for Heia, etc. Personally I was too full to eat anyway. I did eat some of Rui's smoked fish.
We are alone once again so I guess I better get in a little study. I'm afraid I am neglecting that lately. Surely I'm not getting far with the English a-a-a- I mean language.
Friday, August 5, 1938
Surely caught up on reading today.
Studied Grammar lesson for tomorrow until noon and then read over two
hundred pages of Hurlbut's Bible Stories.
Teneta said, "I shouldn't let you read anything but
grammar. "He shouldn't? Nuts!
If he was half the man he thinks he is, I wouldn't mind his telling me
what I can do and what I can't. Well, as
it was, I said a few sharp words and we dropped the matter.
Tonight he almost acted chummy; told me a few
troubles some of the people are having.
That is news to me.
Tonight we gave news again, and immediately after I returned and read a few more pages. Now to write a few lines to Bobby and retire.
Saturday, August 6, 1938
Study of my grammar has been my lot today, but this evening I read one hundred
more pages in the Bible Stories. We held
a short class, and Teneta told me to write out the sentences at the end of the
chapter so I spent some time at that.
Today the natives decorated the Governors building with their weavings of cocoanut tree leaves. It's really remarkable what they can do; they transformed the looks of the building. I watched them work for two hours; I was fascinated.
Mapuhi brought more uru po'i today; we surely had a fine meal of po'i and fish dipped in cocoanut milk and lime juice. He is a grand kid. He is always telling me how sorry he shall be when I leave for another Island; seems as though he can't do enough for us. Last week alone he has prepared three meals for us.
Once again a few lines to Bobby and into bed once more.
Sunday, August 7, 1938
Another Sunday used up in meetings.
During Priesthood I finished reading "Joshua".
Sunday School found me in the B. of M. class,
Fast Meeting found me very hungry... fast Meeting is 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 and I
hadn't eaten since yesterday noon.
M.I.A. again at night.
During a course of the afternoon, I went bicycle riding with Mapuhi for two hours. This evening I listened to rehearsal of program for "Tavana Rahi " tomorrow, hit my guitar for a half hour, wrote to B. and turned in.
Monday, August 8, 1938
A big day for the natives, but darned if I could get any thrill out of it.
Since before daylight they have been on the
go. All morning they waited restlessly
for the ship. Quite a number of times
the cry "Tero " went out,
but it was usually some quack having his joke.
Meanwhile I tried to stick out a class (? ? ? ) on grammar with
Teneta. I really can grab a few minutes
sleep between his thoughts, he's so slow.
Te Taeraa Mai o te Tavana Hau. Takaroa August 8, 1938. |
Around 3:00 P.M. the boat anchored and the Governor came ashore. I got a picture of him and the group standing at attention while the band play the national Anthem.
The escorting party coming down the street. |
Then he led the procession down the street to the Courthouse. I hurried across the Island and got in front of the procession and took another picture. One more picture of the decorated street was all I took.
Teneta and I had to walk up to the stand just for the special privelege of meeting his party. My! I feel conspicuous walking alongside the little runt. Soon after that they departed.
This evening I got lonesome for a companion so Mapuhi (of course not Teneta) and I went bike riding by the light of the moon for quite awhile. From now on the less I have to do with T. so much the better. I have tried and tried to be a good friend to him, but when I get the cold snub as soon as someone else comes around, then I balk. What can I do? ? ? I know the rules say never go out without your companion, but I feel I shall be upheld by anyone who knows facts if I seek other companionship of good Saints. Mapuhi is now correcting every sentence I speak so I am indeed being more careful with my construction, and I am also learning.
Someday I expect others to read this besides myself. All I write in this book is my own expressed personal feelings of the day. To this book I can just tell exactly my thoughts. Really it is a help to be able to tell someone my trouble. Don't think I'm not enjoying my Mission I love it... but oh! how I do long, more than I ever have, for a good friend! Why haven't I become homesick? Well, I just figure that my battle is big enough without thoughts like that weighing me down. I have quite a load on my shoulders now. Try to go day after day, night after night, listening to words you don't understand, your companion won't explain; well... how about it? I won't give up, but I surely need help from prayer.
A few more lines to Bobby before retiring.
Tuesday, August 9, 1938
Tonight I turned over a new leaf in this book; consequently, today I turned
over a new leaf. Last night I felt
pretty tough, but during the night I dreamed once again of being home without
having been here my full time. Believe
me, when I get feeling my worst, something comes to bolster me plenty.
This morning during breakfast and for the next two hours Elder Wilde and I talked; first time that we have really discussed problems together. He even asked my opinion on whom to put in in the reorganizing of the branch. We discussed swimming, boat-riding, my companionship with Mapuhi; of course each item was to discourage my participating in each, but when my turn to express my opinion came, well... I believe we understand each other now a little better. After that we got into discussion on Temples, works, etc.
Today I practically finished reading my Grammar through for the first time. Really put in most of the day in study.
Tonight Teneta and I gave out the news once again. During the program, a little trouble sprang up. Tihoti and two other young fellows were accused of stealing some money. That is twice now those fellows have done things like that. We have a big job in trying to keep them straight and sometimes it just can't be done.
I hope a boat comes soon or I'll have such big letters to send home I'll have to make more. Tereora should be here the 17th returning to Tahiti. Well, once again a few more lines in B. letter and retire.
Wednesday, August 10, 1938
A big day of a pleasant surprise. "Tutana " came in bringing with
it two letters from Mother, one from Grandmother and Zella, six from Bobby, one
from Eldon, one from Lucille (surprise.. rahi )
one from Dona, one from Vern & Fern, and one from Owen.
Yeowee! ? ! ! Was I pleased...Best surprise yet.
Well, everyone has gone inland today so that leaves the old village pretty dead. I had plenty of time by myself to read mail, study grammar and read newspapers. Tonight we held Ha'apiira'a but only the old men and women that are left here attended.
This morning before Mapuhi left he ran in to tell me "goodbye". He shoved a sack of candy into my hands and away he went. What a friend! I'm afraid I have become quite attached to him.
I wrote more on Lucille's letter after receiving one from her, more and Mothers, and much more on Bobbys. I better quit.
Thursday, August 11, 1938
Gee, where has this month gone. It seems
only yesterday that August started, and here is eleven days gone by.
The days certainly do not drag. Even though today I studied for six hours,
worked three, talked gospel four, and with Saints three, the day has flown by.
Attended Relief society Mtg. today... opened with prayer. Very dry lesson, but I stayed awake. Still can't follow it even though I was able to pick out the subject today.
Took my usual Thursday bath, and ever since then Teneta and I have been talking Gospel, etc. A change has come over him; we surely discuss things freely now. I'm beginning to enjoy his company once again. By refering to August 8, I think I have the reason, and also received help.
"Tutana " came in tonight but I don't think I'll send mail on her. There is no telling just when she'll head for Tahiti again.
Friday, August 12, 1938
Class immediately after breakfast, study of assignment for tomorrow, read ten
pages in Tahitian Book of Mormon, and then read quite a number of articles in
the Improvement Era. Also cooked the
rice for dinner.
This evening we were going to the "Cinéma " ; I had my peanuts all bought. Then word came, "No show tonight", so, as we were already to go out, we went to visit Taumata. Had a nice long chat with him mostly over cement work. I'm glad I can hold my own with the best of them when it comes to talking that subject. Left his place about 10 o'clock, came home, talked, and retired. Wrote Eldon and Vern and Owen letters. (I even saved this 'til today V
Saturday, August 13, 1938
A day of good heavy rain. After
breakfast I got stranded in the "fare iti " for a while until it let
up. It was too far to run without getting soaked so I stayed.
The gang all came back Today so I've kind of been visiting quite awhile. Met the girl from Tahiti today.
Read the Word of Wisdom for a while, studied (in class) for a few more hours, and tonight Teneta wrote out me a prayer for Church. I learned it so that I can say it now. It took me just fifteen minutes. My ability to memorize is improving. I bet I forget it by tomorrow though.
This evening we went to the show. I surely enjoyed it. News 192... in England, Mutt & Jeff and an Aesop Fable 1924, and the picture in 1925. The show was really good even though "silent". Had a nice theme and finally ended as they all do. Came home afterwards.
Sunday, August 14, 1938
Meetings again, only today we had business to take care of in the
reorganization of the Branch. Six officers were chosen and set apart to take over duties.
Hope they work together.
With Mapuhi again this afternoon. Took pictures of V. Rii, Heia & Mapuhi. Read more of Bible Stories also.
Days are moving by rapidly. Always doing something but nothing worth writing about. Well, the bananas are surely swell. It's nice to go out, pick off a few from the stalk, and then settle down with a good book to read and just take time liesurely.
Monday, August 15, 1938
A day for settling tithing accounts. By
the time we had our books straight, money ready to send to Tahiti, orders
filled out, etc. the morning had shot by.
Today our food supply bill o' fare was filled out so we eat again free for another month. That had to be taken care of also this morning so all in all I didn't study much.
All afternoon I have indulged in translating out of my two Books of Mormon. First read verse in English, tried to remember the complete thought while reading the Tahitian, and then look up in Tahitian dictionary all words I don't understand. Four hours I had read some eight pages.
Tonite I was ready for bed, very sleeping; looked at my watch... 8:20 P.M. Well! If I'm not a better night-hawk than that. So I read, wrote, thought, etc., somemore. I'll have to teach myself better manners than to go to bed early with beautiful Tahitian skies over my head. Well, now I think I'll retire. 10:00.
Thanks to a lizard I really laughed at Teneta.
Home and cookshack in Takaroa, from the top of the church belfry. |
Tuesday, August 16, 1938
Surely felt in good spirits, as usual lately, all day.
I can seem to get more enjoyment out of my
studies now than I ever have. Had class
this morning for an hour, and I went through a lesson fairly well... for only
having read it once. After that I wrote
out two complete exercises in less than a half hour.
Only missed a few words in a very few of the
sentences; for once I feel I'm learning.
All afternoon we spent in visiting except for an hour up in the belfry looking over the Island and taking pictures. Even received a nice compliment on my speaking from that good-looking Tahiti girl today. Well... Just for that I let her and Hamani take my buka hohoa .
News and music over the radio once again used up the evening. It's nice to hear good old dance music once in awhile. Now to finish letter to B.
Wednesday, August 17, 1938
What a boring day; entirely different than just a year ago now when we (Bobby,
Don, Mark, Gene, Bev, and I) went swimming and dancing at Black Rock and
Saltair. Well, all I've done is read. Finished reading Hurlburt's Bible
Stories, 723 page book, today. At the completion of that, I took off an hour for a short snooze.
Even almost to hot to enjoy that.
After dinner I continued reading... both my grammar book and Improvement Era. It's getting about time I started on a conquest of exercise again. My weight yesterday read 73 kilos or 160.6 pounds. Too much! I better start reducing.
"Tereora " didn't show up today, but as I have closed all my letters, I'll just let "dead" things be dead without writing anymore in them. Same with this book tonight.
Thursday, August 18, 1938
I could just about write ditto marks in todays space concerning happenings
except for the fact that I went to Relief Society Mtg. and then all by myself
took a walk down to the seashore. The
tide was out so I kept walking until I came to water.
Upon returning back to the Island I was surprised and very pleased to find Mapuhi had returned from Inland. I assisted him and associates in a load of copra, and then ate two big uto .
Teneta and I walked to the wharf to watch the ocean for a few minutes and then bought some candy and returned back home to read. Mapuhi came over again tonight so I loosened my tongue once more. It's peculiar how tongue-tied I am around all (nearly) the natives but him, but as soon as I start talking to him I find I know more Tahitian than I think I do. And that's the advantage of have a companion that you can talk to and have a listener.
Still no "Tereora ". She must be vacationing. I hope my letters don't lay idle too long; I'll have to write new ones.
Read more out of my B. of M. today. By comparing the two copies, I run across a great many words which I am able to remember. I can read, now, some of the verses and translate everything in it. Hope I'm really learning.
Friday, August 19, 1938
Rushed through breakfast, hurriedly wiped the dishes, and prepared to go inland
to spend the day with the natives in their work. Then I learned they wouldn't be coming back
tonight, as I expected, but would wait until tomorrow. Well, when the question of staying overnight
was put before Teneta, it turned out I didn't go, but went in and held class
and studied instead.
Have used up most of the day in study and reading "Improvement Eras". Ran across some very uplifting stories; surely like that magazine.
Tonight the radio was on so I have spent two very enjoyable hours listening to it. The news was very much more interesting tonight than others have been. Even the dance music "got" me... "Harbor Lights", "Margie", etc. Ah! Very good.
Our lamp exploded during the process of lighting it this evening. Promptly a native supplied us with his, saying "use mine until yours is fixed." (Translated.) Well, now with a bright lamp, I guess I'll read.
Saturday, August 20, 1938
Studied and copied my Dictionary all morning.
After dinner I went for a walk to watch a few of the sailboats come in
as most of the natives were returning.
Ruru peeled me utos and I just sat and ate for awhile... six all
told. They are better than bananas, I think, now. Maybe I'm tired of
In the evening I was with Mapuhi learning a new song in Tahitian... even strummed it through on my guitar. Wish I could take more time to practice. I think I could learn to play. As it is, I guess I'll never get the chance.
We, Teneta and I, retired early and lay in bed talking about just about everything... mostly home. He said he is more homesick now than he has ever been; two (1 1/2) months and he leaves. Well, I hope I never feel any worse than I do now... I still would hate to go back.
And after an hours discussion of morals, we slept.
Sunday, August 21, 1938
To begin the day I ate an uto .
I think I'll count them instead of bananas;
they're just as good. That gave me
strength to last out the next three meetings.
No assignment so I relaxed again.
During the afternoon I read over a hundred pages of the Word of Wisdom and listened to guitar playing.
In the evening went to meeting again, and following that Mapuhi and I walked to the wharf. On passing the pool house, just about every young person that was at meeting was inside dancing. These people are that way. Religion to them (not the old folks) is just something to listen to and then when its over, away they go back into their lousy habits again. They just can't be taught a thing, but if they don't receive your attention, they just talk and talk to tear you down. Just because I learn more by associating with Mapuhi than 20 others, I'm afraid I'm getting talked about. I'd like to ... a couple of them; might do some good. Well, I'll do all I can toward bettering their foolish lives.
Monday, August 22, 1938
Arose as usual at 6:00 A.M., made ready for breakfast, copied more on my
dictionary, helped prepare breakfast, and then with that all finished I was
ready for a new day. And to begin things right, I ate two utos
and completed my copying Eng. to Tah. dictionary... a big job finally completed.
Around 11:00 o'clock I got talking with Samu about fishing. In a few minutes I had my bathing suit out and away we went to get his spear and a vaa . I changed clothes in the fare iti and then we pulled away from the Island.
We traveled up the pass for a quarter of a mile to the corrals. No fish in them, so we began searching the deep water just off the corral by means of our diving glasses. Soon my companion went under with his spear. After a short while up he came with a clam. We divided it and ate practically everything. Imagine me doing that four months ago. The natives say I'm not a "popaa " but a real "pumusion ".
From there we crossed the lagoon to another Island, and there I began eating nice, juicy, fresh utos . Six all told, and by the time I returned home I was not very hungry even though we had been gone five hours. Samu, I found, is as good (better fisherman) as Mapuhi when it comes to a nice associate. I guess they are practically all the same.
Tonight I am a little "haumani " and for the first time in quite sometime, I am sleepy. Before I retire however, I shall read a few more chapters of W. of W. just for study sake.
Still no boat. Goodness! My letters will be old and stale by the time they reach people. I bet I should erase the dates. Oh, well! Better late than never.
Tuesday, August 23, 1938
Yesterday I forgot to mention the "sweet" way the man and wife get
along in this part of the world. I
witnessed things I had heard about but never quite realized all the truth.
The love a man has for a woman and a woman for a man is just null and void.
Contrary to most human beliefs, the South Sea Islands is not a lovers paradise... it may be for visiting honeymooners, (marvelous) but for the natives it's just a wide open space for "dog eat dog".
Just to make clear what I mean... yesterday morning I heard a commotion in the yard next door (about 100 ft away). I walked to the door and looked out just in time to see a vahine throw a good sized rock at her husband and hit him on the wrist. He ran after her and struck her in the back, knocking her to the ground. After a few seconds of wailing, she was up again with a stick, and taking in after him, she clubbed him with it a few times. Finally he succeeded in getting it away from her and once again he knocked her down. She finally arose and went into the house. All this took place within a very few minutes, giving no one a chance to interfere.
Later on in the afternoon Teneta & Tufariua were discussing it. Tufariua said, "Did you see her hit him?" Why! He thought that was outrageous that a woman would even think of striking her husband. Teneta explained just how civilized people look at such a matter. How astounded he was!
Today in discussing the matter with Taumata he said, "Hie , a woman was made to be hit." Well, I'm glad a white man respects the girl he marrys enough to love her not beat her. These people just love to get two dogs to fight until one is overcome... dead.
Well, and that explains "love" to the Paumutu people. Now getting on with today, study, copying ordinations, cooking, and reading just filled my day completely.
This evening we gave what little news came in over the radio. Very poor items tonight.
Wednesday, August 24, 1938
One of the most pleasant and full days that I have spent in this Mission.
To begin the day, I was awakened by the old cry "Tero ".
I jumped from bed and dressed and looked out just in time to see the Tereora
coming up the pass. I knew I must get my
all ready to send so I spent awhile doing that.
Following breakfast, Teneta & I walked to the ship and went aboard. We spent a nice hour talking with the Captain, and then there entered into the cabin a young man... slender built, red moustache, black hair, weight approximately 140 pounds, height five ft. 8 inches, (?) and dressed in shorts, sandals, and polo shirt. The Captain introduced him as "Count". And from then on practically all day we have had to entertain him... pardon, he entertained us!
We were first told of his travels, Africa, Arctic, Canada, America, South America, every country in Europe except Russia, Asia, Egypt, etc. He is just the type of person we read about, see in movies, but never meet face to face. Well, we met him!
Laugh, oh me! He is such a queer fellow! "Fantastic", "as a matter of fact", "I mean", "jolly", etc. Whew! His lineage dates back to the early Bourbon Kings of France... hence the title, "Baron". And I really believe him. His pictures prove him as a traveler, big game in Africa, (3 trips into the interior) elephants (11 all told) tiger, water buffaloe, etc. Pictures of Canada, U.S., and practically everywhere. His name, description of his father's estate in France, his home in Paris, and the life of a nobleman that he leads, really lead me to believe he's the real thing.
His stories of the Dude Ranches in Canada in which the cowboys tried to make him the "goat", were very funny. Oh! If only I could have his picture! I would run out of films before he arrived! Well, his autograph will have to suffice me.
Tonight he requested the Gov. to hold a dance so that he might attend. After Haapiiraa , of which I took charge, we all went to the Niau Pool Parlour for the dance. Sure enough he danced! The people took a liking to him just because of his queerness.
(I even took him to the top of the Belfry of our Church so that he might get a picture... also around the Island, also fed him Kaepoa , uto , etc. In fact I really have been his guide; talking Religion all the time. From Joseph Smith, to Pres. Grant.)
Well, at the dance the coal oil burner used in freezing the water in the refrigerator became too hot, exploded, and began burning. One fellow grabbed the flaming burner and threw it upon the wooden floor. Gas splashed all over and immediately ignited. I happened to be sitting near sand so I scooped up a large portion and did my little part in saving the building. If that niau had ever become lit... poof! Well anyway, the sand smothered the blaze. It rather dulled the floor for dancing, but even sand on wood is better than dancing on ashes. Well, all in all it has been a very worthwhile "3 month" anniversary for me.
Thursday, August 25, 1938
After breakfast we went to Primary.. 8:00 A.M.
I had the games in charge so we started a few relay races, etc.
These kids are dumb to teach a game to, but in time they catch on.
Following, we went to the wharf to see the Tereora and a few friends off. Na Heia, the "Count", Captain, etc. Heia will be coming back soon, I hope. Maybe Baron will too.
From the wharf Mapuhi and I went to his house and talked for a few hours, eating utos meanwhile. My turn to prepare dinner so I soon returned to the house and began cooking.
Immediately after, Relief Society had to be attended, so across the street we went. The meeting lasted about two hours. I had the minutes to write up; first time for that.
The rest of the day I have been studying, and will do so the rest of the evening. Wish I had more time to read Church books, but if I do that, I feel guilty about slacking my language study. This has lacked considerable attention the last week. Teneta doesn't seem to care about a lesson so I study by myself.
Friday, August 26, 1938
All day long the natives have been felling some giant coconut trees around our
place; a very interesting sight to watch those hundred feet "babys"
fall. I watched them do that awhile, ate
breakfast, finished reading my "Word of Wisdom", and then began
studying from my grammar book.
The news couldn't be gotten tonight on account of static so Mapuhi and I wandered away and came here and he played the guitar and we sang. Retired 10:00 P.M.
Rui and Teneta eating omo , the heart of a coconut palm. |
Saturday, August 27, 1938
Used up all the morning and until 2:00 P.M. studying my language.
I just begin getting a feeling that I am
getting somewhere, then I come back to my senses and realize I still know
nothing. This language is very fifi , but I hope to have it mastered by
what they call "Christmas" at home, but to me will be no different
than August... Oh me! Nice life, anyway.
Before dinner Mapuhi and I took a nice long vaa ride into the Lagoon. We hit some pretty big waves, got soaked, and the vaa filled with water which had to be bailed "oioi ". Nevertheless, it has been another one of the days I enjoy. Of course we stopped on an island and found some nice utos to eat.
On returning, Teneta had our fish cooked so I soon "fell in". The "miti haari " was very good. This evening, after eating, I went to his home (Mapuhi) for awhile and then returned home to work awhile on lessons and retire once again for a sound night's sleep.
Sunday, August 28, 1938
The meetings passed rather rapidly until my speech was over today.
It was announced in Priesthood that I would
speak so I read off a short (5 min.) talk in Tahitian.
I was complimented on the smoothness of speech for some reason or other. My
reading used to be very jerky. They
laughed when at the end I encouraged them to say "Amene. "
None of them ever as much as look like they are having prayer most of the time.
"Amene " was my subject.
As usual I had to prepare dinner. Immediately after, I witnessed the best dog fight I've seen yet. It lasted for five minutes, and in the end both dogs were cut, bleeding, and just tired out. They released their grip and practically layed down. "Kaitoa ".
In Teia Api i teie po , the young folks put on their Haapiiraa Hohoa . Three different plays all told... "silly as sil". I don't make a thing out of their plays... neither does anyone else, but we laugh anyway.
Copied a French song, which I hope to learn, tonight. That is one language I surely would like to know. No chance! Shooed the folks away about 10:00 P.M. and turned in.
Monday, August 29, 1938
A very worthwhile day again! Not only
was I successful in gaining knowledge of our Church by practically finishing my
reading of Essentials in Church History, but also met two Elders, and also
received my first pipi pearls.
Now to begin with.. after breakfast I began reading, and then at 10:00 A.M. a boat was sighted. I went on reading until the book was just about finished, and then ate dinner. As I was going after water, Mapuhi said "E haere mai olita'u fare i te hora maha i teia nei ahiahi? " I said, "E ", and continued to get water. At 3:45 P.M. the "Ramona " came in. I went to the dock and was surprised to see two Missionaries aboard. Elders Stevens and Leathara were on their way in to Tahiti.
As I had promised Mapuhi I would come down at 4:00 P.M., I jumped on a bike, excused myself from the group and left. How surprised and pleased I was when he handed me a cloth with seven small pipi pearls inside! Two of them are nice and the rest are very small but pretty. Gee, what a guy! He surely is swell; I'm glad he thinks so much of me.
We both returned to the wharf and continued talk with the Miss. We then came to the house and talked. I prepared their supper, and then after eating, we all went to the "picture show" the Elders had with them. Continued our talking at night until twelve o'clock.
Surely pleased with the days happenings! Slept wonderful.
Tuesday, August 30, 1938
Just passed away the morning in reading, looking at pictures, talking, and
showing the two Elders around the Island.
As usual I had to cook, but I didn't do a thing towards getting dinner.
Breakfast, though.
At 3:00 P.M. the Elders continued on their way, and I came back to the house to study. I could hardly keep my eyes open long enough to look at my G. book. I'm afraid my night-hawking days are over. Finished completely Ess. of Ch. His. Very good.
Went to listen to the radio tonight, but still something wrong. Tahiti comes in good, but on Standard Broadcast we couldn't get a thing. No contact now with civilization.
Sent my letter off to Uela today. That now clears up all I have written. However, I owe Dona, Grandmother, and Zella, one. I soon better get them written.
Wednesday, August 31, 1938
The end of one more month. I can
truthfully say this past month has passed so quickly I can't realize it's
gone. I hate to see these early months
go so quickly because it's in and during them that I should gain knowledge of
the language. I hope I'm holding my own.
We have been hoping all day that no boat will come in from Tahiti with a letter calling us in. A report came to us that the Pres. was calling a conference of Elders and at the close, we would be assigned new fields of labor and companions. It would be just our luck to receive such a letter before we get away Monday for Gnake to the pearl-shell diving grounds.
Well, for news of today... once again I had the cooking for the day. Fish for breakfast and for dinner. Between meals I was able to get in more grammar study.
Pahoi cut my rouru i tere nei mahana for which I was very grateful. Aue! There goes a big centipede under the bed!) Hope he stays there and doesn't climb up the niau to sleep with me; I dreamed last night I got bit by one.) Well, anyway, after that, I conversed with natives and played a little soccer.
Haapiiraa tonight, and I just sat and listened and read a little of "Judges". Following meeting, at 8:00 P.M. Pahoi asked us over for some ipo's and pudding we accepted, and wow! Of all the native meals. Aia! Hope I sleep good tonight; I better get an early start. 10:30 P.M.
I explained to Mapuhi tonight my chances for "e revaraa atu no Takaroa. " Gee, he felt bad; even cried. What a fellow!
Thursday, August 32, or Sep. 1, 1938
The beginning of my fifth month since leaving home.
Still the time seems to fly by; I can hardly
believe August has passed away.
Today I have been in quite a suspense of waiting to see if the "Tutana " would arrive. So far she hasn't shown up. Most of the population went inland today. Unless word comes to go to Tahiti, we will probably leave Saturday. For once I am not anxious for a boat to arrive bringing mail. This is a chance of a life-time to get a few pipi pearls.
We visited about five homes today. Attended Relief Society meeting and read about nine chapters of "Judges". Nice way to pay attention.
Tonite I saw some very pretty parau products; rings, necklace, tie-pin, etc. Mapuhi's dad, before he died, gave Mapuhi and Heia those things for keep sakes.
Spent the evening reading, eating peanuts and talking. We even had a good lesson today for the first time in almost a month.
Friday, September2, 1938
Cooked breakfast of fish, cocoa, bread & butter and jam this morning.
After eating, I began reading from my Tahitian
and English Books of Mormon... translated three chapters, and before I knew it,
it was time for dinner.
Once again I cooked fish and rice. Following the meal, I bathed, and then we went visiting. I visited seven families today, ate another "dinner" with Pakoima, and then went to listen to Tahiti news. The English parau api is still "out". Learned just about when I can expect more mail from home. "Tereora " and "Ramona " will both be in soon.
"Tutana " arrived tonight at nine o'clock. At this time of writing I don't know whether or not we received any mail aboard her. Teneta is still at the wharf. The question now is, "Do we go to Gnake tomorrow? " Will know the answer tomorrow probably.
Our "camp" during the few days we stayed i Gake |
Saturday, September 3, 1938
Yep! Here we are in "Gnake". No mail came from Tahiti, so here we are miles from Takaroa.
Tonight as I sit writing by means of a coal oil lamp, my thoughts are... about Bobby? No!
About home? No!
About the beautiful moon shining upon the waters? No!
About the swaying palms with a cool breeze touching them? No!
About the beautiful music that the natives are singing? No!
About the niau shack I'm in or the one I helped weave leaves for? No.
What? ? Well, the big question is... will this ink I have in my pen hold out?
I mixed water in the empty tube. I hope there is enough stain left for four days.
This morning Teneta announced we would go with the natives today, so after breakfast we got things packed and ready to leave. About 10:00 A.M. set sail in a small sail boat and headed up the pass. Imagine my surprise. My first ride on open water in a small sail boat and I didn't get the least bit seasick. Even ate utos , an orange, drank a bottle of soda pop, and faraoa mape to tempt my stomach. And then after four hours ride, we landed in the shell diving grounds.
Upon arrival I saw a scene that to me was just the picture I expected to see every day in this Tahitian world, but hithertofore have never seen before. A blue lagoon, sail boats and vaas along the shore, towering coconut trees, naked native boys playing in the shallow beach, typical native style and dress, niau shacks, pareus , bare skin, etc. Just our civilized people in Takaroa living "native". Oh! for wonderful! I'm sorry we are only staying a few days.
For supper tonight I ate three big dishes of rice, bread & jam, a large piece of a large fish, fried Tahitian potatoes, and some good fresh rain water which fell this afternoon.
Today I learned the art of weaving the leaves into layers for building houses. Five of us wove enough for one house in not more than fifteen minutes; a house large enough for a bed for three people, and not quite high enough for my long frame to pass under.
And now I shall retire; 8:00 P.M. Pen & water holding out fine.
Open air meeting inland at Takaroa. Sept. "38". One class. |
A trip to "Gnake" to the pearl shell diving grounds. Sept. 5, 1938.
In vaa - Pae (Gov.) and two daughters. In poti - "Ruau", "Rutena", Miona". |
Sunday, September 4, 1938
A typical native Sunday! We held three services in practically open air. Our
one little shack wouldn't hold all the people very well so they gathered all
around the outside. For class-work we separated into separate classes under the coconut trees.
I surely hope the picture I took with Teneta's kodak turns out good.
I witnessed my first native cooking and baking on rocks today. the dough for bread was mixed, wrapped in coconut leaves, placed on hot rocks alongside the wrapped fish, then covered with other leaves, then completely covered with sand and allowed to stay there for four hours.
When it was done, it was cut up and mixed with coconut milk and limes and sugar and maple, into the best po'i ever. I can hardly move tonight I ate so much for dinner. Two big fish, po'i , potatoes, beef mixed with tomato sauce, rice, drinks of lime ade, bread & jam. Then after all that, I walked to Pakoi ma camp, and they insisted I eat a large full-sized frying pan hot cake and equally as large fried egg nogg. On top of that, one whole pape haari . So, I'm fed clear to the gills... and sleepy. 3 meetings.
Monday, September 5, 1938
Tonight I have a good excuse for my poor writing.
My hands and fingers are so sore, stiff and cut from tearing away at parau
shells, I can hardly write. But the experience I have had today has been
well worth it.
This morning at 5:00 A.M. we all left in our separate vaa's , boats, etc. Teneta & I went with Ti Hiati and Ruau in a boat. Not many minutes out Teneta got kind of sick so I don't imagine he enjoyed the trip much. What a lot of enjoyment I got though! On deck all the time, helping with the sails, rudder, landing, etc. Gee, what a life. I learned to like the sea a little more today.
In our work... the three fellows did all the diving, and I picked the shells that could be found on the rocks and carried theirs to the ship. I did get one thrill in swimming. When I finally climbed aboard the ship, rather pulled aboard, I was too weak to move for quite a spell. Whew! All in a day's work.
Then my job most of the time was to cut the shells open, tear out the meat, and save the shell. My work was rewarded with the only pearl we found (nainai roa ) and a pretty nice sheko .
Tonight I helped Moiata cut open her shells and she gave me the only worthwhile thing that was found, a very small pearl and two paraus with growths on them. Can be made into pretty pins.
A walk to Mapuhis cabin (shack), a short stay, and I left with a pipi pearl that he insisted I take. And that closes the day. I'm very tired and sleepy, and as we have had prayer, I guess I'll retire.
Tuesday, September 6, 1938
Where shall I start? Today has been
quite an experience. Early this morning
we left in a vaa for the parau pipi diving grounds.
It took us about an hour steady rowing, but once there we had no trouble finding shells.
Turoa then left with the vaa to dive for big shells and we stayed.
About two hours of searching netted us a basket of shells so we went to the "house" to open them. (This is the map of the lagoon.)
I was fortunate enough to find one fairly good pearl and one very small one in the first basketful; Teneta didn't find a thing.
After dinner and a short rest, we hunted again. This time we picked only big shells and not so many of them. By the way, a three foot shark got very friendly; came right with a foot of Teneta before he saw it. He let out one yell and began running. That scared the shark. I was a short distance away and got a good view of it. More fun!
Well, the first shell I opened had a swell large pearl in it. Whew! I let out a good yell. Surely a beauty. Not another one was to be found in either of the baskets after that. I'm certainly pleased with the day even tho I am very much sunburned, tired and have indigestion.
Tihoti, Ruau and Miona at work. Tenteta in bow. Sept 5, 1938. |
On arriving at camp, I was busy showing everyone my prize. Some state, "It's the biggest pipi I've ever seen." Virianu gave me seven very, very small (no good) pearls, but I accept them as souvenirs rather than turn them down. And that closes a good day; successful for me.
Wednesday, September 7, 1938
Almost identical today as yesterday except I only found one pearl; a swell,
round gold one. Just right to make into a
pin, ring, or something. Teneta did a
little better than yesterday. He found
one just a size smaller than a small pin head.
This trip hasn't been worth his time at all, but I've surely had
beginners luck.
Tihoti called for us about five o'clock and we returned to camp in his boat. Upon arriving at camp, Teneta, Tihoti, and Miona went ashore, but Ruau and I returned to the deep water to fish. He and I handled all the sailing gear and steering alone. We pulled up at a rock and tied up. After fifteen minutes of fishing we had twenty-one, of which I caught sixteen. My lucky day and beginners luck for fishing. We then returned to the shore and ate a welcome supper.
Tonight I watched my first spear throwing at coconuts on poles. It's surprising how often these fellows can strike the mark. A pole with a coconut stuck on top, is set in the ground, the mark being about fifteen feet above ground. Then the boys with spears get about twenty to thirty yards away and cast their spears at the coconut. If they are "on" they can get one out of practically three tries.
My poor writing can still be blamed upon my cut-up fingers. Wow! Those shells do cut. Oh me! I'm tired.
Thursday, September 8, 1938
Home again! No chance of my ink running
out now. We left camp in Gnake early
this morning aboard a gas launch. It
took us just a little over an hour to get here whereas if we had left aboard a
sailboat with the wind blowing as it was, it would have taken five hours or
When we landed we were met by a flock of kids just whooping it up. Very glad to see the "Orometuas " back again. They got a cart and loaded our baggage aboard. Teneta stayed to talk so I went down the street alone at the head of the parade of kids. They had our five gallon water can and were beating time and marching to it. A very "royal" welcome.
Coprah ready for sacking, "inland" at Takaroa. Sept. "38" |
The diving season is open until November, but due to lack of many shells, the majority of the divers are returning. (They just seem to follow our example.)
While there, (in G.) I learned a little more native hospitality. We stayed with Turoa ma all the time. He and Tearo insisted we sleep on their bed and they took the peue and hard ground. Also, they wouldn't let us eat their native dishes, but had to cook white man's food for us. I was disappointed except for once in a while we got away with some native cooked grub.
We were taken there and brought back free of charge. Everyone else that didn't have a boat of their own was charged a dollar. My four pipi pearls and few (no good) pearls made my trip well worth while.
Tereora was expected in today, but no sign of her yet. I'm waiting anxiously for more mail. It's been almost a month now since the last.
Attended Relief Society Mtg. after cleaning up a bit from the past five days growth of beard. Played with the kiddies for two hours this evening. Believe it or not..... I've certainly won their hearts. They really like their "Rutena". I like to play with them too just to keep them out of mischief. They're learning to catch balls pretty good.
Friday, September 9, 1938
I began the day by getting breakfast.
After the work was all done up, I began working on a Conference
talk. Just got interested in that when the Tereora was sighted.
She was close in so I let my work go and went to the dock to meet it.
How anxious I was for mail which I thought would undoubtedly be on her. Heia came back, and the first chance I got to speak to her I asked her about mail. She said the mail had all been sent out on the "Ramona " the day before "Tereora " left. The Ramona isn't expected in for quite a few days, so I'll just have to patiently wait.
Ruau, Tearo, and Miona |
However, I received some "red hot" news through her. The President told her that I was to return to Tahiti aboard the "Ramona " and from there go to "Hikuero" with him for Conference. Well, I don't know whether to be pleased or sorry. I really don't care so what ever he says will please me. The official news is supposed to come when "Ramona " arrives.
The arrival of the boat broke into my day so I didn't accomplish much. Talked with the captain, played basketball, cooked a large dinner of fish, potatoes & gravy, etc., and visited Heia & Mapuhi this evening. Mapuhi gave me a swell belt for a "souvenir" he called it. We tried to get news tonight, but nothing doing; the radio is still out. Read awhile and then turn in.
Saturday, September 10, 1938
Today began much the same as any ordinary day except Teneta did the cooking
while I studied. All morning I used up
in study.
During the afternoon Taviratea got up a game of basketball in which I participated. Just before the game started a ship was sighted. Immediately I knew it was the "Ramona ". Utterly unexpected by all, she came today. Of course we received word from the Pres. saying I was (am) to return to Tahiti and catch a boat from there to Marokau. Once more I am destined to travel the lonely ocean alone. I feel sorry to leave Takaroa nei , but "I'll go where You Want Me To Go." I'm sure Pres. knows best.
Received mail from Bobby (2), Bishop, and Verba. Heard for first time of Mark's engagement. Lucky guy! Makes me feel just about as lonely and homesick as I have felt yet.
Tonight I repacked my boxes once again. Had friends in assisting all the time. They mean well, but I really accomplish more alone.
Aue! Shoo! I don't feel like writing tonight; I do hate to leave here after all. ----
Sunday, September 11, 1938
Once more a change of pens may rest my fingers a little.
My last day in Takaroa, and what a sorrowful day
it has been too. I attended Priesthood
meeting, (where it was announced that the people must pay more attention to
what I told them in my talk last Sunday; quite a compliment as it shows I did
do something towards helping them,) Sunday School and Sacrament where it was
announced I was leaving them in the morning.
The rest of the day it rained so I just took the day as it came.
That night I shall never forget. The lesson was given as usual, but all the singing at intervals was dedicated to me; farewell songs. Gee, when meeting was over and all the people crowded around to say "Ia orana ", I broke. I wasn't the only one though, 'cause men, women, boys and girls cried with me. I hope they were as really sorry to see me leave as I turned out to be sorry to. They presented me with "heis ", two beautiful pillow cases, pearl shells, and other native gifts. Well it's over now. Hope I may someday return before I'm completed here.
Next Island: Niau
Rutena in Tahiti | Takaroa | Niau | Hikueru | Tahaa and Raiatea | Huahine | Anaa | Marokau | Hikueru again | Papeete
© 2012 Allred Family